February 24, 2025

market to market (M2M)

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MISO Monitor Blames PJM for Market-to-Market Errors
Monitor David Patton said PJM has for years been committing two market-to-market operations errors that have possibly cost MISO millions of dollars.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs: Oct. 4, 2017
SPP stakeholders discussed a recent AEP complaint filed at FERC against the RTO and MISO related to overlapping congestion charges for pseudo-ties.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs: Sept. 6, 2017
SPP stakeholders endorsed a proposed interregional project to be developed in partnership with MISO, despite the project’s dim prospects.
SPP Briefs: Week of Aug. 15, 2017
NERC will host a webinar Aug. 25 to help the current members of SPP’s Regional Entity transition to new compliance authorities.
Monitor Recommends 9 New MISO Market Changes
The MISO Market Monitor still sees room for significant improvement after giving the RTO’s markets a passing grade.
SPP SSC Briefs: June 14, 2017
Having agreed on a first potential interregional transmission project with MISO, SPP is moving the 115-kV line in South Dakota through regional review.
MISO Interregional Plans with SPP Echo PJM Efforts
MISO and SPP have agreed upon a memorandum of understanding that will enable them to emulate multiple MISO-PJM interregional plans.
A summary of news out of SPP's Seams Steering Committee and the MISO-SPP Interregional Planning Stakeholder Advisory Committee.
SPP Briefs
The SPP Transmission and Economic Studies working groups met jointly April 3 to vote on staff’s re-evaluation of the 90-mile Potter-Tolk transmission line.
MISO, PJM Propose Solution to Pseudo-Tie Congestion Problem
MISO and PJM staff proposed a solution to the double counting of congestion for pseudo-tied resources, a fix that could apply to those between MISO and SPP.

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