Maryland Public Service Commission (MD PSC)
Offshore wind developers are starting to make good on their job-creation promises, but that hasn't ended opposition to their projects.
Maryland's community solar pilot has big ambitions, but so far, has put only 40 MW on the grid; revised regulations could help.
FERC authorized two Icahn Capital employees to have voting rights on the FirstEnergy Board of Directors.
The future of the Independence Energy Connection transmission project is in doubt after the Pennsylvania PUC rejected siting applications.
More uniformity in transmission planning standards and broader considerations of benefits are needed, officials said at the EBA’s annual meeting.
FERC received dozens of comments on the final day for stakeholders to answer questions on the future of PJM’s capacity market.
MACRUC announced that its 26th annual Education Conference will take place June 27-30 at the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Pennsylvania.
The North Carolina Utilities Commission, Duke Energy and other DER stakeholders are working on implementing IEEE 1547-2018.
The Maryland legislature failed to reach an agreement to increase the state’s 2030 greenhouse gas reduction target after the House and Senate deadlocked.
Placing solar arrays in urban areas would help Maryland reach its RPS while conserving productive farmland, according to a new report.
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