Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (MA DOER)
Massachusetts electric distribution companies have been authorized to take on up to 40% of a two-part, $1.7 billion clean energy project in northern Maine.
Massachusetts has published proposed code language for its new net-zero building performance standards.
Gov. Charlie Baker's administration and Mass. legislators are eyeing tweaks to the state's EV program from rebate size to a price cap for qualifying vehicles.
Energy sector leaders in New England are already warning of a grim possible scenario for next winter.
The Massachusetts Senate passed An Act Driving Climate Policy Forward with a broad set of policies for decarbonizing energy, transportation and buildings.
Massachusetts senators convened an oversight hearing Monday for the Department of Public Utilities’ ongoing Future of Gas regulatory proceeding.
Many are disappointed that a proposed net-zero building code for Massachusetts does not allow municipalities to ban fossil-fuels in new construction.
Last year's events in Texas, and the growth of renewables on New England's grid, have ISO-NE and states looking at weather more closely than ever.
Massachusetts legislators say that allowing fossil fuel heating in new buildings under a proposed net-zero building code does not make sense.
Sen. Mike Barrett is concerned that removing the OSW procurement price cap would open Massachusetts to higher project prices seen in neighboring states.
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