Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (MA EEA)

Nelson48, public domain, via Wikimedia
Mass. Commission Readies Proposal for State Clean Heat Standard
Massachusetts Undersecretary of Energy Judy Chang revealed potential Commission on Clean Heat recommendations in a draft 2025/2030 Clean Energy and Climate Plan.
New Flyer of America
Massachusetts Transportation Bond Bill Seeks to Unlock $4B in IIJA Funds
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker filed a bill to authorize $9.7 billion he says will prepare the state for funding from the federal infrastructure bill.
Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay
Massachusetts Commission Deliberates Emissions Cap for Heating Fuel
The Massachusetts Commission on Clean Heat will spend the next month identifying policies and initiatives that can help achieve building sector emissions sublimits.
Hawthorn Builders
Massachusetts Legislators Call for Fossil Fuel Ban in Net-zero Building Code
Massachusetts legislators say that allowing fossil fuel heating in new buildings under a proposed net-zero building code does not make sense.
Mass. DEP, Biomass Developer Tussle over Permit
Palmer Renewable Energy has appealed Massachusetts DEP's decision to revoke approval of the developer's biomass power plant.
Mass. Governor Signs NextGen Climate Bill
Gov. Charlie Baker signed a climate bill into law after months of negotiation between the executive branch and the Massachusetts legislature.
Natural Gas Use Expected to Rise in NY
New York will see an increase in new natural gas plants and hours of operation of existing plants after the Indian Point Nuclear Energy Center closes.
Mass. EV Subsidy ‘Isn’t Enough,’ Energy Office Says
Mass. will have to consider what low- and moderate-income households can afford in the electric vehicle transition if it plans to meet its 2035 EV targets.

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