February 23, 2025

Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS)

2 of 3 MISO-SPP Seams Projects Likely Doomed
Two of three proposed MISO-SPP interregional projects touted to offer $235 million in benefits look much less attractive following additional modeling and are likely doomed.
PJM Concerned About Lead Time on Transmission Needed for Wind
PJM is concerned that EPA was overly optimistic in its assumptions for how quickly it can add transmission to meet the Clean Power Plan.
EPA Plan Response: Coal Howls, Wind and Solar Crow
EPA's final Clean Power Plan provoked outrage from coal interests, praise from environmentalists and cautious optimism from regulators and grid operators.
Revised Clean Power Plan Allows More Time, Sets Higher Targets
EPA's final Clean Power Plan relaxes some controversial proposals while increasing its target for carbon emission reductions.
Supreme Court: EPA Erred on Mercury Rule
The Supreme Court ruled that EPA acted “unreasonably” when it failed to consider costs before deciding to regulate mercury and other toxic emissions from power plants under the Clean Air Act.
Emergency Resources Get New Focus at MISO
With its reliance on demand response and behind-the-meter generation increasing amid generator retirements, MISO plans to update the way it sets prices during emergency resource offers.
FERC, NERC: Reserve Margins OK for Summer
FERC said it expects sufficient resources to meet peak electric demand this summer despite coal-fired retirements, while NERC approved its summer reliability assessment.
Stakeholders Debate Need for Clean Power Plan Reliability Safety Valve
Since the EPA proposed its Clean Power Plan, the idea that the final rule should include a reliability safety valve has become an article of faith among utility, state and RTO officials.
FERC Backs Oklahoma Coal Unit on EPA MATS Delay
Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA); operators of an Oklahoma coal-fired generator seeking a temporary reprieve from EPA's MATS rule won an assist from FERC.
Mercury and Air Toxics Standards: 25 Years in the Making
The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards at issue before the Supreme Court are the result of a quarter century of legislation, regulation and litigation.

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