Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
ERCOT, as well as SPP and MISO, comfortably met demand during last week’s latest round of winter weather, a welcome change from last February’s disaster.
The U.S. government issued a request for information in its first step toward ensuring all its power consumption will be from carbon-free resources by 2030.
MISO foresees a relatively easy shift to incorporate transmission owners’ dynamic line ratings, though it said it will settle on a weather forecasting method.
MISO has put the earliest version of its 2022 Annual Transmission Plan at $3.3 billion while accepting a handful of expedited project requests.
December contained unexceptional load and growing energy prices, according to MISO's monthly operations report.
The Market Subcommittee discussed how a storage asset solving transmission needs could also participate in the energy market.
MISO’s resource adequacy stakeholder group is starting the new year by tackling new capacity accreditations for renewable and energy storage resources.
MISO and SPP shared the Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue study's first draft, with seven projects that would resolve several transmission constraints.
MISO has proposed prohibiting some resources from using an emergency commitment status in its markets in order to have wider access to its committed capacity.
MISO wrapped discussion on how it plans to share the costs of the first group of projects identified under its multistage long-range transmission plan.
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