January 23, 2025

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

SPP Adds Decarbonization Future to 20-year Study
SPP staff and stakeholders have added an accelerated decarbonization future to the RTO’s 20-year long-term assessment.
MISO Reevaluating Value of Loss Load as Monitor Pushes $10,000/MWh
MISO said it will soon present proposals for reformulating its VoLL while its IMM once again urged the RTO to nearly triple the current value.
Advisory Committee Charts Course on MISO Sector Rules
MISO’s Advisory Committee said it will defer to MISO as the final arbiter over whether a new company or organization is entitled to join a certain sector.
Members Send MISO Back to Drawing Board
Stakeholders told MISO to rework a proposal that allows the RTO to remove stakeholders and committee leadership in certain situations.
MISO Reports Unremarkable December Ops
Peak demand was lower in December than in years past, MISO executives said during an informational forum.
MISO Pledges Work on Affected System Studies
MISO said it will approach SPP about improving the processes underpinning affected system studies in response to stakeholders’ persistent calls for change.
MISO Begins Longterm Tx Modeling
MISO will draw on its new planning futures to build the first set of models that could result in the long-term transmission plan’s first projects.
MISO, SPP Regulators Call for Pancaking Fix, Smaller Projects
SPP and MISO regulators would like to see the RTOs improve seams relations by resolving rate pancaking and adding a smaller interregional project category.
‘Participant Funding’ Violates FPA, Grid Groups Say
RTO policies assigning network upgrades to interconnection customers are no longer just and reasonable, renewable advocates said in a new report.
SPP, MISO See $22.8M in M2M Settlements
SPP staff assured stakeholders they are looking into the causes of congestion around the MISO seam following a third month of record M2M settlements.

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