March 10, 2025

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

SPP RSC Finalizes Recommendations for SLC
SPP’s state regulators agreed on revisions to a package of recommendations, including one that prioritizes resolving rate pancaking.
MISO Touts $3.5B in 2020 Savings for Members
MISO said its members collectively saved about $3.5 billion in 2020 for choosing RTO membership over going it alone on the grid.
ERCOT: Grid was ‘Seconds and Minutes’ from Total Collapse
ERCOT said that enough generation had returned to service to stop the rotating outages that began Feb. 15.
FERC Maintains MISO TO Self-funding Authority
FERC approved unexecuted facilities service agreements for three NextEra Energy wind projects that refused to complete the FSAs in protest of a 2018 order.
ERCOT Focuses on Restoration, not Blame
ERCOT leadership made it clear that it is fully committed to restoring power to the millions of Texans spending their fourth night shivering in the dark.
MISO Stakeholder Removal Rules Narrowly Win Approval
MISO members narrowly approved new stakeholder removal provisions despite concerns that the rules give the RTO too much latitude.
Slow Storm Restoration Sparks Anger in Texas, South
The inability of Midwestern grid operators to recover quickly from extreme winter weather drew customer anger, along with scrutiny from regulators.
UPDATE: ERCOT, MISO, SPP Slough Load in Wintry Blast
SPP joined ERCOT in initiating rolling blackouts Monday as the entire Midwest experiences an unprecedented winter storm.
Grid Operators Face Historic Arctic Blast
Extreme winter weather has placed much of the country’s heartland in a deep freeze and has MISO, SPP and ERCOT scrambling to meet anticipated record demand.
MISO Fostering Alternatives to MTEP Projects
MISO is seeking ways to modify its annual transmission plan and make it easier for stakeholders to suggest alternatives to TOs’ project proposals.

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