Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
Tensions have been building among MISO stakeholders over what some perceive as an undercover Entergy plant in stakeholder meetings.
FERC said MISO does not need a waiver of its Tariff requirements in order to provide Entergy Texas with make-whole payments.
FERC granted Pattern Energy a waiver of MISO's interconnection rules for its wind farm in Wisconsin because of delays related to COVID-19.
Seeking to open communication channels with their distribution utilities, MISO staff held a special workshop to prepare for FERC Order 2222.
FERC’s proposed policy statement on carbon pricing won wide support, although some expressed doubt that it will spur adoption.
SPP staff have been meeting with MISO staff as they scope the RTOs' joint transmission study of potential projects along their seam.
MISO is sticking with its usual slate of transmission planning studies for 2021, opting not to include specially targeted analyses in MTEP 21
Stakeholders have tapped former PepsiCo CIO Jody Davids to serve on MISO’s Board of Directors, creating its first-ever woman majority.
MISO is down to two options to curb generation developers’ ability to change their proposed projects’ fuel type in the interconnection queue.
MISO stakeholders said another round of expensive system upgrades would render its West planning region a “dead zone” for new generation.
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