Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO)
NERC’s proposed virtualization-related updates to its critical infrastructure protection standards are headed for another round of revisions.
In its annual report, NERC applauded the ERO Enterprise for advancing the reliability and security of the power grid during an “extraordinary" year.
NERC has extended the expansion of its self-logging program and deferment of audits and other on-site activities in response to the continuing pandemic.
FERC ordered revisions to NERC’s pro forma regional delegation agreement and its RDAs with all regional entities while approving the agreements overall.
In 2020 MISO managed remotely, redefining reliability standards, reorganizing its capacity market and launching a long-term transmission planning effort.
Planned reserves will fall below reference margins in MISO and Ontario within the next five years, NERC told MRO.
Foreign adversaries are honing their cyber threat strategies against the North American bulk power system, cybersecurity experts told the MRO.
A safety mechanism in many circuit breakers may pose an unexpected risk to the grid during periods of severe cold weather, according to NERC.
The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing NERC and its REs to continue adapting their policies in hopes of helping utilities cope with the outbreak.
NERC is set to begin training entities on its new Align tool and Secure Evidence Locker by the end of the year, with MRO and Texas RE going first.
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