minimum offer price rule (MOPR)
PJM offered stakeholders four options for navigating its upcoming capacity auction, noting that each comes with risks and uncertainties.
PJM urged FERC to expedite guidance on the RTO’s upcoming Base Residual Auction as stakeholders prepare for deadlines on two different sets of rules.
With two months to go before Exelon says it will pull the plug on Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania lawmakers unveiled legislation to spend $500 million annually to subsidize the state’s nuclear fleet.
Capacity market sellers expressed anxiety over PJM’s “parallel path” for its upcoming Base Residual Auction, urging staff to consider delaying the auction until FERC clarifies the minimum offer price rule.
Pennsylvania lawmakers may create a new tier within the state’s alternative energy program for nuclear power, according to a draft proposal leaked Monday.
FERC clarified a capacity supplier’s retirement bid can enter ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction if the supplier demonstrates the bid is just and reasonable.
FERC's Bernard McNamee informed Democrats that ethics advisers said he was not required to recuse himself from the commission’s resilience inquiry.
In many ways, PJM's 2018 was much like years before, with capacity and energy market rules under constant redesign. Some stakeholders have grown weary of the churn.
Tension between PJM and certain states has not loosened, judging by comments made at a forum held by the Great Plains Institute and the Nicholas Institute.
Representatives of the Advanced Energy Buyers Group argue that PJM's capacity market revisions threaten companies' bilateral renewable energy contracts.
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