minimum offer price rule (MOPR)
Some PJM generators will have additional time to submit unit-specific exemptions to the MOPR before the RTO’s capacity auction next month.
PJM has a lot on its plate for 2018, including an ongoing effort to change its capacity market structure, the DOE NOPR and gas-electric coordination.
PJM’s long-awaited capacity construct redesign will have to wait at least another month for endorsement by the Markets and Reliability Committee.
PJM’s Independent Market Monitor faced a barrage of questions at the final stakeholder evaluation of its MOPR-Ex capacity market proposal.
MISO will pre-emptively refile its current resource adequacy construct for FERC approval Friday.
PJM staff unveiled their proposal on price formation at last week’s Markets and Reliability Committee meeting.
In a 3 to 0 vote (McIntyre and Powelson did not participate), FERC again rejected the PJM compromise on the minimum offer price rule (MOPR).
PJM’s Capacity Construct/Public Policy Senior Task Force reviewed the results of a vote on proposals to re-envision the RTO’s capacity market structure.
An appellate court ruling on the PJM minimum offer price rule (MOPR) has created disagreement among stakeholders on how to proceed.
PJM stakeholders discussed a myriad of topics and challenges facing the markets at last week’s Mid-Atlantic Power Market Summit hosted by Infocast.
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