minimum offer price rule (MOPR)
Panelists discussed at the annual NEECE discussed the challenges of decarbonizing New England's grid.
EBA marked its 75th anniversary at its virtual annual meeting, which included sessions on capacity markets and remarks by FERC Chair Richard Glick.
PJM must consider generator operating lives of more than 20 years under the unit-specific review process, FERC ruled just before the RTO's capacity auction.
PJM defended its handling of Dominion Energy’s decision to opt out of the May 19 capacity auction, asking FERC to reject a complaint by LS Power.
ISO-NE briefed the NEPOOL Participants Committee on a project to address the removal of the minimum offer price rule from the capacity market.
LS Power asked FERC to block Dominion from opting out of PJM’s capacity auction, saying the RTO violated its rules by accepting the utility’s FRR election.
Dominion has abandoned PJM’s capacity market over concerns the minimum offer price rule will undermine its ability to meet Virginia’s renewable targets.
PJM has proposed shifting the burden of determining what resources are subject to the MOPR away from the RTO and the Monitor to FERC itself.
FERC received dozens of comments on the final day for stakeholders to answer questions on the future of PJM’s capacity market.
MACRUC announced that its 26th annual Education Conference will take place June 27-30 at the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Pennsylvania.
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