MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC)
MISO said it will push back a contentious filing for a new, marginal approach to capacity accreditation into early next year.
Stakeholders remain frustrated with MISO’s plan to enact a marginal capacity accreditation as staff insist that the approach will measure the true value of capacity.
MISO is holding to its plan to enact a widescale marginal capacity accreditation while swapping risky hours for peak load to calculate its reserve margin requirements.
MISO’s attempt to justify a new resource accreditation process gave way to heated debate over how to best alleviate the footprint’s reliability challenges.
Less than a year after it got permission to debut a new availability-based accreditation, MISO is proposing to reformulate how it accredits its resources.
MISO leadership last week committed to holding future talks with stakeholders on how to retool its capacity auction to stimulate more supply.
MISO’s capacity auction shortfall has nearly doubled its probability of load shedding in its Midwest region, prompting discussion of must-offer requirements.
MISO will press on with its pared-down stakeholder meeting cadence for the remainder of the year.
MISO’s resource adequacy stakeholder group is starting the new year by tackling new capacity accreditations for renewable and energy storage resources.
When it emerges from the worst of the pandemic, MISO wants to limit its in-person stakeholder committee schedule to eight in-person meeting weeks per year.
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