MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC)
Stakeholders unhappy with MISO's proposal to create seasonal capacity auctions and resource accreditation can vote for a yearlong delay on the plan.
MISO plans to subdivide its annual capacity auction by seasons to better manage reliability risks caused by renewables’ growing share of the resource mix.
MISO will suspend updates on its resource availability and need project through November to allow time for analysis that may drive future draft rules.
For the first time, MISO has found a loss-of-load risk outside of summer months, and said it may be more evidence for seasonal capacity supplies.
MISO’s IMM urged the RTO to require that planning resources have firm transmission to ensure they can deliver their full installed capacity.
MISO says the time is not yet ripe for creating a detailed solar capacity credit process.
MISO laid out a more detailed proposal for how it will determine the capacity accreditation of energy storage resources under FERC Order 841.
MISO, commited to moving forward, said it plans to refile a plan to create external capacity resource zones with FERC by the end of the month.
MISO outlined the range of stakeholder feedback it has received since revealing its straw proposal for energy storage resources in June.
At last week's MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee meeting, staff reviewed how capacity import limits can bind in the RTO's annual capacity auction.
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