MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC)
MISO’s Market Monitor floated a plan that would allow resources that are unavailable for the full planning year to offer into the RTO’s capacity auction.
A recent MISO study slightly overestimated actual capacity offers in the 2018/19 Planning Resource Auction.
MISO is switching gears on a previous proposal to discontinue its practice of forecasting long-term capacity import and export limits.
The MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee will devote time this year to several projects focused on improving the RTO’s resource adequacy construct.
Preliminary estimates show that MISO’s capacity requirements and available supply for the 2018/19 capacity auction will be in line with last year’s figures.
MISO staff asked the Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC) for feedback on the group’s priorities for 2018 and how the RTO could import capacity from IESO.
MISO’s next capacity auction will likely rely on megawatt values and limits similar to those underpinning last year’s auction.
MISO said it will defer any initiative to account for outages in capacity planning until it kicks off a broader discussion on overall resource availability.
MISO stakeholders will vote on whether to broaden export limits for its upcoming capacity auction after WPPI Energy called for the RTO to act.
MISO is proposing to once again revise the equation behind its yearly resource adequacy survey issued in partnership with the Organization of MISO States.
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