MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC)
MISO officials are examining how they can capture the risk of planned and maintenance outages occurring during peak load.
MISO is defending its methods for validating utility load forecasts after Dynegy charged that Ameren miscalculated its summer peak load forecast.
After criticizing Ameren Illinois for miscalculating its summer peak load forecast, Dynegy called on MISO to develop a new process for verifying forecasts.
WEC Energy Group uncovered a Tariff inconsistency while it was developing a proposal to improve MISO’s behind-the-meter generation participation rules.
After discord surrounding MISO’s plan to incorporate external zones into its auction and divvy up excess revenues, Entergy emerged with its own plan.
MISO previewed its comments to FERC in response to Rick Perry’s proposal to allow “resilient” resources with a 90-day on-site supply of fuel.
MISO has decided to delay the formation of external resource zones and seasonal capacity.
Market participants remain skeptical of a MISO plan to integrate external resource zones into its annual capacity auction.
MISO has introduced a three-step checklist that owners of BTM generation can use to prove deliverability for the Planning Resource Auction.
MISO presented stakeholders with a proposal to tighten rules on capacity imports amid uncertainty over a recent appellate court ruling.
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