September 29, 2024

MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP)

MISO Halts Futures Work for 2020, Plans 2021 Rebuild
MISO terminated work on a set of futures scenarios for MTEP 20, opting to take the year to resolve its lagging renewable growth and retirement projections.
MISO Looks to Prune Competitive Tx Process
MISO is wagering that proposed rule changes will cut down on the time and expenses spent evaluating transmission proposals.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs: July 10, 2019
Despite being revamped, the Coordinated System Plan process between SPP and MISO will once again be unable to identify any interregional projects.
MISO Floats MTEP Time Trade-off
MISO is toying with the idea of foreshortening its MTEP 20 process in order to maximize time spent on the 2021 cycle of transmission projects.
MTEP 19 Revealing High Price Tag
MISO is polishing a draft 2019 Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP) that could end up being one of the RTO’s most expensive buildout packages.
MISO Limits Storage as Transmission Asset Ownership
MISO shut down the prospect of allowing non-transmission owners to operate storage-as-transmission assets in the RTO’s initial ruleset for the resources.
Renewables Outlook to Get Boost in MTEP 20 Futures
After prodding by stakeholders, MISO says it will boost renewable generation estimates in each of the four 15-year future scenarios that guide its annual transmission planning process.
MISO Previews Abridged MTEP Report
MISO is considering moving ahead with a plan to streamline its report detailing the projects in its annual Transmission Expansion Plan beginning this year.
New Task Team to Review MISO Board Rules
MISO’s Advisory Committee is exploring whether to extend a 1-yr. “cooling-off” period to state regulators before they serve on the RTO’s Board of Directors.
MISO Going Back to the Futures for MTEP 20
MISO will rely on the same set of futures for the third straight year when it evaluates transmission projects in its 2020 Transmission Expansion Plan.

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