MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP)
Applied Energy Group produced 20-year estimates of MISO’s future demand response, energy efficiency and distributed generation.
MISO is surveying how to get more information from load-serving entities to create a more detailed load forecast for transmission planning.
MISO is moving ahead with a proposal to largely recycle last year’s 15-year transmission planning predictions for use in its 2019 Transmission Expansion Plan.
MISO expects the 15-year future scenarios informing its 2019 Transmission Expansion Plan to look much like those for 2018.
The MISO Board of Directors met via conference call to grant belated approval of the RTO’s second competitive transmission project from MTEP 17.
MISO is seeking to more closely harmonize its load forecasting process with the four 15-year future scenarios it creates for transmission planning.
MISO has released a draft guide detailing how it estimates costs for cost-allocated transmission projects in response to OMS and other stakeholders.
A MISO task team is slated for retirement after successfully developing several changes to the competitive transmission process that were approved by FERC.
MISO is reviewing an expedited project request from ATC to connect a massive Foxconn manufacturing plant that would be Wisconsin’s largest power user.
FERC approved several changes to MISO’s competitive transmission developer selection process under FERC Order 1000.
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