MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP)
MISO officials presented three proposals related to the implementation of the RTO’s new generator interconnection queue for stakeholder feedback.
MISO will pursue changes to its Transmission Expansion Plan futures weighting process in the 2019 cycle of projects.
Great River Energy is urging MISO to account for the effects of inverter-based generation in the RTO’s transmission planning studies.
MISO’s Steering Committee declined to reconsider a proposal that would allow funders of transmission upgrades for lines under 345 kV to recover costs.
MISO will begin using its Transmission Expansion Plan dispatch modeling in interconnection queue studies beginning Aug. 1.
MISO’s Planning Advisory Committee heard updates on the RTO’s ambitious slate of current planning studies and process improvements.
MISO plans by the end of the year to introduce Tariff changes eliminating resource suspensions in favor of a single retirement process.
The applicability of right of first refusal laws could influence selection for more than 20 projects proposed for MISO’s 2017 Transmission Expansion Plan.
MISO has made two changes to its newest future scenario in its annual Transmission Expansion Plan, adding more renewables and possible nuclear retirements.
MISO is recommending the addition of a fourth future to its 2018 transmission planning to reflect localized carbon reduction efforts and battery storage.
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