March 11, 2025

MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP)

Price Tag Rising for MTEP 20
The 2020 MISO Transmission Expansion Plan contains 510 proposed projects at a combined $4.06 billion, the priciest since the RTO's 2011 MVP portfolio.
MISO Floats Ideas on MTEP, Interconnection Coupling
MISO floated ideas on how it could better synchronize the studies supporting its annual transmission planning and generator interconnection queue processes.
MISO Plugs SATOA Plan at FERC Conference
MISO defended its first storage-as-transmission proposal, maintaining the plan is a good interim measure while the RTO designs a permanent approach.
COVID-19, Electrification Stir MISO Futures Debate
MISO presented stakeholders a long-awaited set of planning futures it insists are final despite calls for an additional scenario that models a downturn stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Morenci Project Dropped from MTEP 18
FERC affirmed METC's 138-kV Morenci transmission project is a local distribution facility that should not be included in MISO's annual transmission plan.
Local Projects Axed from MISO Cost Allocation Refile
MISO is mounting a third attempt to gain FERC approval to overhaul the cost allocation design for economic transmission projects after previous rejections.
MISO Begins Bid to Merge Tx, Queue Planning
MISO will use the recommendations of the Coordinated Planning Process Task Team to work on synchronizing the RTO's transmission planning and generator interconnection processes.
Major MISO Tx Projects Face Various Hurdles
Two market efficiency projects approved by MISO face continued obstacles, while two others slated for inclusion in MTEP 19 must wait longer for approval.
MISO PAC Briefs: March 11, 2020
MISO will allow stakeholders an additional month to file their opinions on the RTO’s draft 2021 transmission planning futures scenarios.
MISO Eyes Sleeker Interconnection Queue
Fresh off approval for one change to its interconnection process, MISO is looking for ways to advance generation projects more quickly through its queue.

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