February 23, 2025

MISO Zone 4

Stakeholders React to MISO Proposed Auction Design
A MISO auction proposal to hold a separate forward capacity procurement auction for deregulated areas is meeting with skepticism from some RTO members.
MISO Proposes Adding Forward Auction for Retail Choice Zones
Deregulated markets in MISO would get a three-year forward capacity auction beginning in 2018, under a proposal unveiled by the RTO.
PJM-Type Capacity Auction for MISO Zone 4 Proposed
Dynegy and Exelon proposed that MISO Zone 4 procure capacity in three-year forward auctions separate from the rest of the RTO.
FERC Orders MISO to Change Auction Rules
FERC has ordered MISO to change the way it conducts capacity auctions beginning with the 2016/17 auction in April.
MISO to Tackle Capacity, Queue, Caps and CPP in 2016
It’s been 15 years since FERC approved MISO as an RTO and, like a teenager, MISO is experiencing a growth spurt.
Stakeholders to ICC: MISO Resource Adequacy Fine — for now
MISO stakeholders told the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) that the RTO needs to reform its markets to encourage generation development.

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