October 6, 2024

National Grid

Hydrogen Energy Station in NY to Support Grid
National Grid is partnering with energy storage firm Standard Hydrogen to build a hydrogen energy station in New York.
Mass. Utilities Plan May RFP for 1.6 GW of Offshore Wind
Massachusetts utilities ask for regulatory approval of an offshore wind RFP that will require bidders to address diversity and equity.
RIPUC Rejects Program for Low-income Customers
The Rhode Island PUC rejected a proposal from National Grid to remove barriers for low-income customers to access clean energy.
National Grid Explores Hydrogen for Home Heating
National Grid is participating in research to determine how to convert existing gas networks to support hydrogen that could be used for home heating.
ISO-NE PAC Briefs: Dec. 16, 2020
ISO-NE presented to the Planning Advisory Committee feedback on lessons learned from its competitive Boston-area transmission solicitation.
ISO-NE PAC Briefs: Nov. 19, 2020
ISO-NE proposed a pilot study for its clean energy transition to test grid performance assumptions under high renewable penetration scenarios
Overheard at GTM’s Power and Renewables Summit
The presidential election, energy storage and electrification challenges were on the minds of speakers at Greentech Media's Power and Renewables Summit.
Consultant to Coordinate New England ‘Future Grid’ Study
NEPOOL and NESCOE are hiring Peter Flynn, a former National Grid executive, to serve as administrator of the Transition to the Future Grid project.
Eversource Energy
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Aug. 27, 2020
Economy-wide carbon dioxide emissions in New England fell by 28 to 34% between March and June versus a year earlier.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: July 22, 2020
ISO-NE presented the Planning Advisory Committee with revised study scenarios and threshold prices for the 2020 Economic Study requested by National Grid.

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