October 5, 2024

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Western States Play Catch-up on Community Solar
Several Western states pursue initiatives that could support the Biden administration's goal of expanding community solar capacity to 20 GW by 2025.
Principle Power
BOEM Issues Proposed Sale Notice for California Offshore Wind Areas
BOEM issued a proposed sale notice for five lease areas off the California coast, setting the stage for the first West Coast wind auction later this year.
Principle Power
OSW Advocates Urge California to Think Bigger
At a California Energy Commission workshop Wednesday, advocates of offshore wind urged state officials to plan for far more wind than is currently contemplated.
Green Hydrogen Too Expensive to Replace Blue — for Now
The Biden administration is aiming to convert gray hydrogen into “blue” hydrogen by investing billions of dollars to fund new carbon capture technologies.
NREL: US Will Need 2,100 American-made OSW Turbines by 2030
Reaching the goal of constructing 30 GW of offshore wind by 2030 will require a supply chain capable of producing more than 2,100 wind turbines, a report says.
NREL: Zero-emission MHDVs Will Hit Price Parity with Diesel by 2035
By 2035, zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles should be no more expensive than those that run on diesel, according to a new study from NREL.
Energy Bar Weighs OSW in Oregon, California
New wind areas off the Oregon coast could lead to regional transmission planning with California, panelists told the EBA's Western Chapter.
Mountain States Partner to Secure Hydrogen Hub
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and New Mexico team up to compete for a share of federal funds to be awarded for the development of regional clean hydrogen hubs.
Encore Renewable Energy
Study: Solar Land-use Estimates Overstated for Low-carbon Future
A new Berkeley Lab study estimates that the land needed for utility-scale solar is dramatically lower than previously thought.
LADWP on ‘Crash Course’ to Generate with Green Hydrogen
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is betting big on generating electricity with green hydrogen out of sheer necessity, its top official said.

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