February 22, 2025

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)

Parties Split on Biden Administration Deal on Snake River Dams
House Republicans lambasted a deal that the Biden administration struck between Oregon, Washington and four tribes on four dams along the Snake River.
NERC: Growing Demand, Shifting Supply Mix Add to Reliability Risks
NERC's Long-Term Reliability Assessment sees some risk for reliability issues in most of the country as the industry has to deal with faster demand growth and shifting supplies of generation.
FERC Dives into Reliability Implications of EPA’s Power Plant Rule
FERC hosted a senior EPA staffer and heard from the industry and states on how the environmental regulator's latest proposal to cut carbon emissions from  power plants will impact grid reliability as it is implemented.
Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
EPA Power Plant Proposal Gets Mixed Reception in Comments
EPA received comments on its proposal to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants, with some, including ISO/RTOs, arguing the proposal needed major improvements to preserve reliability.
FERC Rejects Call for CIP Standard Updates
FERC rejected a call for new physical security standards while clarifying its cybersecurity incentives order.
Stakeholders Respond to ERO Budget Drafts
Industry stakeholders expressed concern about the ERO's rising budgets and assessments in comments last week.
NERC, Trade Groups Oppose Call for Quick Fix on CIP Standards
NERC and industry trade groups asked FERC to reject a call to change how assets are classified under the Critical Infrastructure Protection standard.
USDA Announces $10.7B for Rural Clean Energy Projects
USDA announced $10.7 billion in funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to help rural electric cooperatives fund zero-emission and carbon capture projects.
Industry Says DOE Proposal Would Exacerbate Transformer Shortages
DOE's proposal to update efficiency standards for distribution transformers would make supply shortages of the key grid equipment worse, industry argued.
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Panel Debates Impact of Renewables, Electrification on Reliability
A USEA media briefing addressed the “crisis ahead for electric utilities" as policymakers seek to decarbonize the grid while electrifying the economy.

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