February 23, 2025

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)

The White House
Biden Sets New US Emissions-reduction Target of 61-66% by 2035
As he prepares to leave office, President Joe Biden has submitted a new U.S. emissions-reduction target to the U.N., committing the country to cutting its greenhouse gas emissions economywide by 61 to 66% below 2005 levels by 2035.
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US Governors, Mayors to Pledge Ongoing Climate Action at COP29
President Biden and Vice President Harris will not travel to Azerbaijan for COP29, but a group of U.S. mayors, governors and corporate leaders is carrying a message of continued commitment to the goals of the Paris Agreement.
UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021
Here’s What Key Glasgow Sectoral Initiatives Mean for 1.5 C
A Climate Action Tracker report says the 2030 NDCs and binding long-term and net-zero targets out of COP26 will only keep temperature rise to 2.1 C.
UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021
Kerry on COP26 Week 2: ‘This Moment is Promising’
When COP26 ends this week, countries will have "the capacity to get where we need to go that we’ve never had before," John Kerry said.

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