natural gas pipelines
Stakeholders endorsed revisions that would align PJM’s price-responsive demand rules with the Capacity Performance construct.
ISO-NE said it expects to have sufficient capacity on hand this winter to meet load, which it forecasts will peak at 20,357 MW in normal conditions.
MISO’s reliability is unlikely to be hampered by gas supply issues, according to a new study.
PJM told the Market Implementation Committee that the Board of Managers’ investigation of the GreenHat Energy FTR default will run through the new year.
Attendees of the New England-Canada Business Council’s 26th annual energy conference discussed U.S.-Canada trade and the growth of renewables.
FERC Chairman Chatterjee met with reporters at commission headquarters in D.C., where he praised Commissioner Kevin McIntyre's tenure as chair.
FERC received about 2,000 comments on its Notice of Inquiry about how it balances natural gas pipeline project benefits against adverse consequences.
The natural gas industry found itself on the defensive at the NARUC Summer Policy Summit as panelists debated pipelines’ resilience and cybersecurity.
FERC issued a final rule requiring natural gas pipelines to reflect the federal corporate income tax cut in their rates.
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee returned to the issue of natural gas infrastructure permitting following reports of increasing delays.
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