natural gas prices
ISO-NE stakeholders approved tariff changes that incorporate a new transmission planning process focused beyond the RTO’s current 10-year planning horizon.
PJM’s energy prices continued to rise into the third quarter of 2021, the Independent Market Monitor reported, but they also remained competitive.
Eversource warned that customers will likely see a spike in their bills this winter compared to last year’s, as natural gas prices surge nationwide.
New York officials forecast that utilities will have sufficient electric and natural gas capacity for the coming winter, though bills will likely be higher.
New York approved a three-year rate plan for National Grid’s downstate gas companies with provisions for electrification to reduce natural gas demand.
The Texas PUC has ordered ERCOT to waive its protocols and disclose generator-outage data three days after an outage, rather than the standard 60 days.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee approved the membership application of the New England Power Generators Association at its monthly meeting.
ISO-NE briefed the NEPOOL Participants Committee on a project to address the removal of the minimum offer price rule from the capacity market.
ISO-NE officials briefed the NEPOOL Participants Committee on nominations to the RTO’s Board of Directors and operations during last winter.
NYISO locational-based marginal prices averaged $63.70/MWh in February, more than triple the $21.11/MWh average in February 2020.
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