natural gas prices
CAISO reported lower wholesale electricity prices during the third quarter, driven by lower natural gas costs and fewer transmission constraints.
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie briefed the NEPOOL Participants Committee on the RTO’s efforts to integrate state carbon policies into its markets.
SPP’s energy prices and average hourly load this summer were below 2018 levels, while generator outages and congestion both increased, the RTO’s MMU said.
MISO released a proposal that would replace its 15-year futures scenarios with predictions that assume more renewable generation and carbon-cutting.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee voted to recommend a cost-containment mechanism for the ISO’s public policy transmission planning process.
The New York PSC expects winter electricity prices will be slightly lower than a year ago, based on a declining price trend and normal weather forecast.
PJM’s grid coasted through an “uneventful” summer highlighted by a new record for weekend peak load and the lowest forced outrage rate in five years.
The New England Power Pool Participants Committee voted narrowly not to approve ISO-NE’s recommended installed capacity requirement values for FCA 14.
ISO-NE COO Vamsi Chadalavada’s operations report to the NEPOOL Participants Committee showed LMPs and natural gas prices down in August.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved several manual and Tariff revisions, and received the monthly Broader Regional Markets and operations reports.
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