January 23, 2025

natural gas

Overheard at the 28th NECBC Annual Conference
New England and Canadian officials discussed transmission planning for offshore wind and natural gas's role in the clean-energy transition.
NY Power Panel Looks at Methane, Renewables
The New York Climate Action Council's Power Generation Advisory Panel discussed the issues of methane gas leakage and renewable integration.
DTE Energy to Cleave Pipeline Business
DTE announced that it will spin off its non-utility Midstream natural gas pipeline, gathering and storage business.
COVID-19, Weather Drive FERC Winter Outlook
FERC staff expressed confidence that the North American bulk power system has sufficient reserves to make it through the winter comfortably.
Overheard at NECA 2020 Fuels Conference
The NECA Fuels Conference tackled the subject of natural gas bans by local governments, questioning if they are necessary to transition to clean energy.
DOE Gas Summit Voices Industry Hopes, Gripes
A lack of infrastructure and opposition groups are depriving the U.S. of its abundant natural gas, participants in DOE’s Natural Gas Summit said.
NY Study Highlights Rising Methane Emissions
New York’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 were virtually unchanged from 1990 levels, according to a study that highlights the role of methane.
Calif. to Stay Course on Electrification, CEC Chair Says
The California Energy Commission will stick to the path of electrifying buildings despite a legal challenge filed against it by SoCalGas.
ISO, RTO Officials Debate Role of Natural Gas Resources
A discussion on natural gas’ role in a clean-energy grid during NARUC's Summer Policy Summit revealed a divide between ISOs and RTOs.
Methane Levels Hit All-time High
Emissions of heat-trapping methane hit a new high in 2019, according to preliminary data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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