natural gas
U.S. renewable electricity generation doubled over the last decade, the Energy Information Administration reported.
Fuel security and the role of traditional and non-traditional fuels in New England highlighted discussions at the 2018 NECA Fuels Conference.
FERC approved a civil penalty against Entergy for failing to inform ISO-NE of the inability of its gas-fired generator to meet capacity obligations.
Infocast’s first SPP and MISO Markets Summit attracted participants and industry representatives from the RTOs’ footprints for panel discussions.
A study by the Rocky Mountain Institute found that the combination of renewables and storage is already cheaper than natural gas peakers in some regions.
Competitive Power Ventures celebrated the opening of its new Towantic Energy Center, an 805-MW combined cycle gas-fired power plant in Oxford, Conn.
The PJM Operating Committee unanimously approved revisions to Manual 14D to tighten the notification rules for transferring the ownership of generation units.
PJM wants to take a more holistic look at how the grid’s supply chain works and factor the findings into its markets.
ISO-NE's 10-year Capacity, Energy, Loads and Transmission (CELT) forecast predicts 2026 annual net load will be about 3.7% lower than estimated in the 2017 forecast.
As they have in the past four years, the trends in natural gas dominated the discussion of FERC’s annual State of the Markets report.
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