January 24, 2025

natural gas

ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Aug. 8, 2017
Rising natural gas prices will likely mean an end to ERCOT’s all-time low energy prices, according to the Independent Market Monitor.
FirstEnergy CEO Says Country Heading for Natural Gas ‘Disaster’
FirstEnergy CEO Chuck Jones said that he thinks the “country is heading for a disaster” because of its over-reliance on natural gas for generating power.
EIM Leaders Endorse CAISO Gas Constraint Measure
EIM leaders endorsed a CAISO proposal that would allow the ISO to constrain output from natural gas-fired plants across the market.
Qualified Support for CAISO Gas Constraint Plan
Stakeholders are cautiously supportive of CAISO’s proposal to permanently assume authority to limit output from gas-fired generators in emergencies.
NG Lobby Goes on Offensive vs Coal, Nukes
A study released by the American Petroleum Institute said policy makers should seek “reliability attributes,” which natural gas is “relatively advantaged” in.
SPP Looking Forward Report: The Shale Revolution Continues
In producing its looking-forward report for SPP, Bates White Economic Consulting says low natural gas prices will continue if technology further improves.
ISO-NE: Lack of Fuel Could Idle Half of Gas Plants in Winter
New England will have only enough natural gas capacity to supply about half of its gas-fired generation in winters 2025 and 2030, according to NEPOOL.
California Grid Emergency Comes Days After Reliability Warning
CAISO experienced its first “Stage 1” grid emergency in nearly a decade, days after Southern California Gas' warning about Aliso Canyon.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs
Eversource Energy and ISO-NE told the Planning Advisory Committee meeting they support a $7.7 million project to keep the Mount Tom switchyard.
MISO Stakeholders Question Electric-Gas Info Sharing
MISO is preparing nondisclosure agreements and associated Tariff language to share natural gas usage profiles with pipeline operators.

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