January 22, 2025

natural gas

Texas Senate
ERCOT Seeks Greater Transparency into Gas Market
ERCOT’s interim CEO Brad Jones continued his push for a gas desk before Texas legislators, who are also toying with the idea of a gas market monitor.
California Takes Steps to Decarbonize Gas
The state Energy Commission adopted a key report and opened a proceeding aimed at decarbonizing the natural gas sector, including with heat pumps and hydrogen.
Monitoring Analytics
PJM Monitor: Prices, Coal Power Bounced Back in 2021
PJM energy prices last year surged to their highest levels since 2014, more than making up for declines from the pandemic-driven economic downturn in 2020.
NJ Enviros: Heat Pumps Can Cut Building Emissions, Costs
New Jersey could dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions from buildings – the state’s second largest source of emissions – by replacing fossil-fueled boilers with heat pumps and other electric appliances and beefing up incentives for the equipment, according to a recent report from the New Jersey Conservation Foundation. Heat pumps can replace furnaces or boilers, …
NY Officials Set 2022 Schedule for Climate Plan
New York officials on Thursday outlined a schedule to complete a final scoping plan by year-end to reduce economywide greenhouse gas emissions.
Con Edison
Con Edison 2021 Earnings Jump 22%
Consolidated Edison on Thursday reported 2021 net income of $1.35 billion ($3.86/share), up 22.3% compared with $1.1 billion ($3.29/share) the previous year.
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Maryland Lawmakers Vow to up Climate Goals
Maryland lawmakers are confident they will adopt more ambitious climate goals in 2022, after differences among Democrats stalled action last year.
NASEO Panel Charts Role of Fossil Fuels in Energy Transition
Levelized cost of energy called a "flawed metric" and a 100% renewable grid could raise costs and affect reliability, experts say.
EEI Urges Passage of Renewable Tax Credits
In its yearly Wall Street briefing, the Edison Electric Institute stressed the importance of extending federal tax credits for renewable resources.
Conflict Looms over Washington Gas Utility GHG Bill
A Washington bill would require natural gas utilities to create GHG reduction plans by 2024. Industry critics say that's too soon.

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