Neil Chatterjee
Infocast’s inaugural Storage East summit drew policymakers, grid operators, utilities and companies looking to break into energy storage.
FERC Commissioner Neil Chatterjee and Assistant Department of Energy Secretary Bruce Walker pledged to continue their work on grid resilience.
FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre was absent from the commission’s monthly open meeting, citing health reasons.
Cheryl LaFleur, who has been attending the FERC reliability technical conference since her appointment, always opens the meeting by citing something special about each year’s gathering.
FERC commissioners told Congress that the grid is not facing a national security emergency, as the Trump administration has claimed.
The Republican majority at FERC narrowed the circumstances under which it will estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from natural gas pipeline projects.
FERC will review how it enforces the 1978 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), with the commission’s treatment of the 1-mile rule a likely focus.
Industry stakeholders gathered in Albany for the Independent Power Producers of New York (IPPNY) Spring Conference for an update on the rapid changes in the state's grid.
Congress will be watching FERC’s review of its policy on licensing natural gas pipelines very closely. Any changes FERC makes are unlikely to please all members, however.
Resilience, pipelines and PURPA topped the discussions at the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners’ (NARUC) winter meetings.
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