NERC Rules of Procedure (ROP)
NERC's chair and CEO touted the ERO's work across borders in a Board of Trustees meeting that featured leadership turnover and an initiative to remake the standards development process.
Citing a looming FERC deadline, NERC's Board of Trustees voted once again to sidestep the normal standards development process to accelerate development of the ERO's cold weather standard.
NERC leadership is considering using its authority to streamline the development process on another standard, a member of the ERO's management said.
NERC is seeking FERC approval for another round of updates to its Rules of Procedure.
NERC held a technical conference hoping to address the issues that have blocked the passage of a standard on ride-through requirements for inverter-based resources.
Members of NERC’s Standards Committee debated qualifications for standard drafting team participation at their monthly conference call, with the discussion extending the meeting more than a half-hour over its planned end time.
FERC accepted NERC's plan for registering inverter-based resources, while dropping a proposal to require more frequent performance assessments from the ERO.
FERC will consider several items touching on the ERO Enterprise at June 27 open meeting.
NERC is seeking comments from industry stakeholders on its Rules of Procedure for the ERO’s Compliance and Certification Committee to conduct hearings and mediate disagreements between it and regional entities.
The NERC board approved a new reliability standard for extreme cold weather preparedness and operations that industry stakeholders previously rejected.
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