NERC Rules of Procedure (ROP)
If NERC’s latest proposed cold weather standard fails another ballot round, the ERO’s Board of Trustees may have to take matters into its own hands, Chair Ken DeFontes warned at the board’s quarterly meeting.
FERC approved new rules intended to streamline NERC's reliability standard development process.
NERC’s Standards Committee unanimously agreed to submit for industry comment a proposal to update the organization’s Rules of Procedure.
NERC Trustee Sue Kelly argued for giving the ERO board authority to issue standards when it sees inadequate progress on an urgent reliability issue.
FERC raised concerns that several proposed changes to NERC's Rules of Procedure may negatively impact on the ERO's compliance enforcement programs.
FERC accepted NERC's latest compliance filing, which updates the organization's rules while clarifying its relationship with the E-ISAC.
NERC's Board of Trustees and Member Representatives Committee voted to send two new reliability standards to FERC for approval.
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