New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)
ISO-NE presented to the PAC its scope of work and modeling assumptions for its 2050 Transmission Study.
Stakeholders outlined their complaints with ISO-NE's proposed MOPR elimination and its compliance with Order 2222 at an in-person NEPOOL meeting.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee held its first in-person meeting since March 2020 after going exclusively virtual during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ISO-NE announced the election of its four-person 2021 Board of Directors slate that will expand the board to 11 members for one year.
ISO-NE is proposing a pilot study to analyze the potential curtailments experienced by new generation from the addition of offshore wind on Cape Cod.
ISO-NE will propose tariff changes as a result of “lessons learned” from its first competitive transmission solicitation under Order 1000 last year.
ISO-NE plans to discontinue feedback on three stakeholder proposals as part of discussions on eliminating the minimum offer price rule, the RTO told NEPOOL.
Stakeholders told the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group that the RTO and NEPOOL still need greater transparency and changes to governance.
Crispins C. Crispian, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
NEPOOL stakeholders and ISO-NE continue to work on eliminating the MOPR from the capacity market, discussing multiple proposals on transitional mechanisms.
ISO-NE presented its proposed 2022 operating and capital budgets to the NEPOOL Participants Committee.
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