New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)
Competitive Power Ventures’ proposal to revamp ISO-NE's financial assurance rules failed to win approval from NEPOOL’s Participants Committee.
ISO-NE is developing a process for allowing energy storage projects to be used as transmission assets.
ISO-NE laid out the scope and timing of a project to incorporate ancillary services in the day-ahead energy market for the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
ISO-NE got through the winter without serious incident, but now it's time to start planning for next winter.
ISO-NE updated NEPOOL on its proposal to change the interconnection jurisdiction for DERs and compliance with FERC Order 881.
ISO-NE is drawing up a new schedule for next year's capacity auction, FCA 17, which has been delayed.
A draft study evaluating ways to decarbonize New England’s power sector finds multiple advantages for carbon pricing, but also significant tradeoffs.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee considered changes to ISO-NE's retirement and financial assurance rules.
Multiple cold weather close calls in January highlighted what ISO-NE says are vulnerabilities in the region's grid.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The NEPOOL Markets Committee signed off on a plan to delay the elimination of ISO-NE’s MOPR, which the RTO abruptly threw its support behind.
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