New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)
A Brattle Group report weighed in with recommendations for capacity accreditation as ISO-NE and NEPOOL revamp how they value energy resources' contributions.
FERC Commissioner Mark Christie said the agency's transmission NOPR gives the states plenty of flexibility to plan their public policy-focused projects.
Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC is investigating ISO-NE’s role in alleged fraud by a project developer taking part in the RTO’s capacity market, the grid operator disclosed.
ISO-NE is leaning toward a marginal approach to resource capacity accreditation, but there's a year of stakeholder discussions ahead.
ISO-NE is proposing a merger of two of its stakeholder working groups into the Emerging Technologies Working Group.
The NEPOOL MC discussed changes to the frequency of FCM parameter recalculations, the continuous storage facility model and cybersecurity reporting.
Competitive Power Ventures’ proposal to revamp ISO-NE's financial assurance rules failed to win approval from NEPOOL’s Participants Committee.
ISO-NE is developing a process for allowing energy storage projects to be used as transmission assets.
ISO-NE laid out the scope and timing of a project to incorporate ancillary services in the day-ahead energy market for the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
ISO-NE got through the winter without serious incident, but now it's time to start planning for next winter.
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