October 5, 2024

New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE)

ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: May 21, 2019
ISO-NE projects net installed capacity requirements will increase and procedures could be needed to overcome a shortage of “operable” capacity.
FERC Sets Conference on New England Fuel Security
FERC has agreed to New England’s request for a public “prefiling” meeting to discuss the region’s plans for long-term fuel security.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: May 3, 2019
The NEPOOL Participants Committee retroactively approved ISO-NE Tariff revisions to address concerns with FERC's Order 841 on energy storage.
ISO-NE Installed Capacity Requirement Filing Approved
FERC approved ISO-NE’s proposed values for the Installed Capacity Requirement, capability credits and related values in time for the capacity auction.
FERC Rejects NESCOE Request on Scarcity Rules
FERC rejected a request by the New England States Committee on Electricity to broaden the commission’s ruling raising ISO-NE’s peak energy rent adjustment.
FERC OKs Settlement on ISO-NE Scarcity Rules
FERC approved an uncontested settlement to raise ISO-NE’s peak energy rent adjustment, resolving the issues the commission set for hearing.
CASPR Filing Draws Stakeholder Support, Protests
Stakeholders have responded to ISO-NE’s filing of a proposed two-stage capacity auction with a flurry of comments to FERC.
ISO-NE Effort to Accommodate States Leaves them Alienated
New England state regulators ended up split over the ISO-NE CASPR proposal — yet seemingly united in their dismay over the RTO’s stakeholder process.
Public Power Skeptical of ISO-NE Two-Tier Capacity Auction
Public power utilities in ISO-NE aren’t convinced that ISO-NE’s two-tiered capacity auction is the best way to incorporate clean energy procurements.
ISO-NE PAC Briefs: June 21, 2017
At last week's ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee meeting, Eversource presented evidence of woodpecker damage and decaying support structures.

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