February 23, 2025

New York Climate Action Council (NY CAC)

NY Officials Set 2022 Schedule for Climate Plan
New York officials on Thursday outlined a schedule to complete a final scoping plan by year-end to reduce economywide greenhouse gas emissions.
Report: NY Road Transport Emissions Up 12% Since 1990
New York’s first greenhouse gas emissions report compliant with the state’s 2019 climate law showed statewide emissions have dropped 6% from 1990 levels.
BMW Group
Here’s the Top Decarbonization Challenge for the Northeast in 2022
With Northeast states backing out of joining TCI-P, states now have a major funding gap for their plans to clean up the transportation sector.
The Brattle Group
New York Set to Start Building Big in 2022
New York will start turning policy into infrastructure in 2022, with construction of a major transmission line and the first of several offshore wind projects.
NY Officials Approve Draft Climate Action Plan
New York officials on Monday approved a draft scoping plan that lays out the steps needed to achieve the emission limits set by the CLCPA.
NY Climate Action Council Focuses on Consumer Impacts
New York officials tweaked the state’s draft scoping plan on climate action to include cost/benefit and consumer impacts analyses as soon as possible.
NY Predicts 200K+ New Clean Energy Jobs by 2030
New York officials report that clean energy jobs will increase by more than 200,000 this decade and by nearly 350,000 by midcentury.
New Analysis Sets Low-carbon Focus for NY Climate Plan
The New York State Climate Action Council discussed an integration analysis toward shaping its final scoping plan by year-end to reach goals outlined in the CLCPA.
NY Activists Want Less Industry, More Justice in Clean Energy
Activists and consumer advocates in New York want to see less industry influence on clean energy policy recommendations to the state.
NY Adopts Goal for Disadvantaged Communities Under Clean Energy Fund
NYSERDA now has a new goal of ensuring the state’s Clean Energy Fund delivers 40% of benefits of spending to disadvantaged communities.

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