New York Department of Public Service (NY DPS)
Residents at an information session on a proposed OSW transmission line landing on Long Island were frustrated by officials' frequent lack of answers.
New York Department of Public Service staff recommended a 58% funding increase for the state’s EV Make-Ready Program for electric vehicle infrastructure.
New York regulators authorized the Champlain Hudson Power Express to begin construction on the line, which will deliver Canadian hydropower to New York City.
The price of New York ZECs is set to fall 14% for the next two years after the agency that administratively sets the price issued its biennial price adjustment.
FERC Ok'd New York Power Authority’s transmission rates for the Smart Path Connect transmission project after the utility showed it received state approval.
The New York State Public Service Commission ordered changes to improve and standardize the community choice aggregation program.
The Alliance for Clean Energy New York hosted an online information session concerning the state's scoping plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
NYISO's Business Issues Committee approved proposed tariff revisions to rules for capacity resource interconnection service (CRIS) expiration and transferring.
NYISO stakeholders expressed reluctance to approve the ISO’s proposed implementation of its new capacity accreditation construct.
NYSERDA is getting a funding boost to hire more people as it administers the state’s Clean Energy Standard program, but not as large a hike as it had sought.
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