March 10, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

NYISO Management Committee Briefs: May 27, 2020
NYISO has suspended the sequestration of its control room operators as New York begins its recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
Five New Recommendations from NYISO Monitor
Potomac Economics’ 2019 State of the Market Report for NYISO adds five recommendations while concluding the ISO’s markets “performed competitively” in 2019.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: May 20, 2020
NYISO is seeing “historically low” load and prices, Senior Vice President of Market Structures Rana Mukerji told the Business Issues Committee.
NYISO Examines ‘Evolution’ to Zero Emissions
NYISO will face a myriad of challenges as New York decarbonizes its economy and the power sector transitions to zero-emissions generation.
ISO-NE/NYISO/PJM IPSAC Briefs: May 15, 2020
PJM on Friday hosted an IPSAC meeting with ISO-NE and NYISO to provide input for the development of the Northeast Coordinated System Plan.
FERC Partly OKs NYISO Mitigation Language
FERC partly accepted NYISO’s compliance filing on buyer-side market power mitigation rules, denying a waiver and rejecting the ISO’s arguments on Tariff language.
NYPSC Launches Grid Study, Extends Solar Funding
The New York PSC voted to study to identify distribution and transmission upgrades and investments needed to meet the state’s clean energy goals.
NYISO Explores Hybrid Interconnection Processes
NYISO shared proposed interconnection processes for the participation options the ISO has floated as part of its effort to integrate hybrid storage resources.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: April 29, 2020
NYISO will stop sequestering the operations teams at one of its two control centers even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to reduce demand.
NYISO Contemplates 500-MW Boost for SENY Reserves
NYISO may shift 500 MW of the statewide reserve requirement to Southeastern New York to boost resource flexibility and provide resource capability.

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