January 16, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

FERC Grants NYISO Public Power Definition Waiver
FERC granted NYISO a waiver of the Tariff language defining a public power entity, extending the definition to cover any government entity.
NYISO Weighs Market Options for Hybrid Resources
NYISO floated a plan that would provide hybrid storage resources three options for participating in its energy and capacity markets.
N.Y. Looks at Grid Transition Modeling, Reliability
NYISO stakeholders explored detailed assumptions and modeling descriptions for an upcoming study on transitioning the New York grid to a cleaner future.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: March 25, 2020
NYISO has sequestered approximately two-thirds of its operations staff on site at its two control centers to prevent infection by the COVID-19 coronavirus.
FERC Denies Brooklyn Battery Waiver
FERC on Thursday denied NYC Energy’s request for a limited waiver of NYISO interconnection rules for its 80-MW energy storage facility.
NYISO BIC Briefs: March 19, 2020
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved Tariff changes on energy storage and load forecast revisions to account for behind-the-meter net generation.
Study: Retail Design Key to Escaping Capacity Markets
Retail-choice states wanting to reduce their reliance on RTO capacity markets need to improve how their retail markets handle resource procurement.
NYISO, MISO Join Operators in Suspending In-person Meetings
NYISO and MISO joined PJM, ERCOT and CAISO in suspending in-person stakeholder meetings in response to the spreading COVID-19 coronavirus.
UPDATE: FERC Targeted in Energy Bill Amendments
A bipartisan energy bill debated by the Senate is providing FERC critics an opportunity to seek changes to the commission’s quorum rules and authority.
Dominion: FERC MOPR Rulings Inconsistent on Self-supply
Dominion asked FERC to reconsider its conclusion self-supply resources suppress PJM capacity prices, saying it is inconsistent with an exemption in NYISO.

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