New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
The NYISO Management Committee approved Tariff revisions intended to provide external resources with Rest of State deliverability rights.
The New York PSC ruled that upstate municipal power authorities can charge higher electricity rates to cryptocurrency companies.
NYISO energy prices averaged $33.83/MWh in February, down sharply from their cold snap average of $99.55 in January.
Attendees at the NY-BEST Capture the Energy 2018 conference heard the state's plans to ride the wave of energy storage technology to a cleaner energy future, targeting deployment of 1,500 MW by 2025.
New York stakeholders on Monday wrestled with the complex issue of how to evaluate the impact of a carbon charge on the dispatch of energy resources - especially in neighboring regions.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in an appeal of a judge’s decision to dismiss a suit against New York’s ZEC program.
RTO officials asked FERC to allow their stakeholder processes time to develop additional resilience measures and to require more gas-electric coordination.
Consumer advocates, environmentalists, wind and solar developers and public power called on FERC Tuesday to “review the design of organized wholesale electricity markets, particularly capacity constructs” in its resiliency docket.
FERC rejected the New York PSC request to rehear a November 2017 decision granting NextEra Energy a 50-basis-point adder for participating in NYISO.
NYISO’s Management Committee approved proposed rule revisions that would allocate day-ahead market congestion rent shortfalls and surpluses.
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