non-transmission alternative (NTA)
FERC ordered a technical conference to explore issues raised by MISO’s contentious storage as transmission assets proposal.
MISO’s first storage-as-transmission proposal has drawn protests saying the plan gives transmission owners an unfair advantage in developing the resources.
FERC approved Tariff revisions refining ISO-NE’s rules for conducting competitive transmission solicitations, a process that may be tested this month.
MISO shut down the prospect of allowing non-transmission owners to operate storage-as-transmission assets in the RTO’s initial ruleset for the resources.
The MISO Planning Advisory Committee will vote on a DTE Energy proposal to broaden the scope of the RTO’s storage-as-transmission assets initiative.
MISO has made two changes to its newest future scenario in its annual Transmission Expansion Plan, adding more renewables and possible nuclear retirements.
At the MISO Planning Subcommittee, the RTO presented a strawman proposal for non-transmission alternatives that includes load shed, reconfiguration and more
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