Norman Bay
FERC Chairman Norman Bay named Larry Gasteiger as his chief of staff and Larry Parkinson as the director of the commission’s Office of Enforcement.
FERC rejected LS Power’s request for rehearing on SPP Order 1000 procedures and accepted the RTO’s December compliance filing.
FERC last week left intact most of its 2010 order meant to mitigate market power in the installed capacity market in New York City.
Chairman Cheryl LaFleur gaveled her final Federal Energy Regulatory Commission open meeting last week, nearing the end of a tumultuous 16-month term.
Attorneys for Powhatan Energy Fund and Kevin Gates accused FERC's Office of Enforcement of withholding information that could exonerate their clients in a high-profile market manipulation case.
FERC found that PJM partially complied with its second Order 1000 compliance order and conditionally approved MISO's third-round compliance filings.
FERC issued an Order to Show Cause seeking $29.8 million in fines from the Powhatan Fund, in a case that became the centerpiece of a debate over FERC enforcement policy during Commissioner Norman Bay’s confirmation process earlier this year.
Kevin and Rich Gates have reactivated their website after FERC indicated that it was about to move on to the next step — civil prosecution.
In response to requests from several senators from both parties, the DoE’s Inspector General has begun an investigation into FERC’s Enforcement office.
FERC denied Consumers Energy’s request for a waiver from MISO’s must-offer requirement, three weeks after approving a similar request by IPL.
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