October 6, 2024

North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC)

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MISO Likely to Pay $815K for NERC Violations
MISO has agreed to pay an $815,000 penalty for a pair of NERC violations committed over the summer.
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NERC Board Approves Cold Weather Standards
NERC's Board of Trustees accepted the latest proposed cold weather standards, which will now be sent to FERC for final approval.
FERC Approves ERO 2024 Budgets
FERC OK'd the 2024 business plans and budgets for the ERO, though Commissioner James Danly called for “a significant improvement in … speed and agility.”  
FERC Orders Reliability Rules for Inverter-Based Resources
FERC issued a final rule Thursday directing NERC to develop standards to improve the reliability of inverter-based resources.  
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Panelists Say Focus, Fun Equally Important to GridEx
Held every two years, the GridEx conference helps electric utilities and other stakeholders test and improve their security incident response plans.
Market Monitors Endorse Call for Gas Reliability Organization
Market monitors from all six FERC-jurisdictional ISO/RTOs endorsed calls for a NERC-like gas reliability organization.
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Robb Says Collaboration Key to Maintaining Cyber Vigilance
NERC CEO Jim Robb told GridSecCon attendees that maintaining cyber vigilance in the electric sector requires support from outside.
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Amid Industry Concerns, NERC Works to Prioritize Standards Projects
Speakers at the North American Generator Forum’s annual Compliance Conference acknowledged “the volume of [standards development] projects has increased over the last two years” at NERC.
Counterflow: More Stuff That Ain’t So
Columnist Steve Huntoon says a recent Moody’s report uses misleading data to make its case for investing in transmission to solve reliability problems.
NERC: Battery Facilities Also Vulnerable to Inverter Faults
A new report from NERC and WECC details issues experienced with inverters at battery facilities in California last year.

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