Northeast Energy and Commerce Association (NECA)
After passing an extensive climate law earlier this year, Mass. must look closely at the pathways for rapid decarbonization, consultant Dan Allegretti said.
Acadia Center’s Ben Butterworth says energy efficiency retrofits coupled with building electrification is the central solution to decarbonizing buildings.
Panelists at a recent NECA webinar discussed the highs and lows of working to refine offer review trigger prices for offshore wind and storage resources.
A new pilot in Maine to install up to 15 MW of energy storage at critical care facilities will focus on sophisticated energy consumers, such as large hospitals.
The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources is still working out eligibility and long-term procurement details for its Clean Peak Energy Standard.
Beth Garza and Peter Cramton briefed the NECA on lessons Northeastern stakeholders could take from ERCOT's experience during the February winter storm.
The Northeast Energy and Commerce Association hosted a webinar on hybrid resources as part of its series on the role of energy storage in decarbonization.
FirstLight Power’s CEO says the deregulated wholesale electricity markets in New England are doing “a terrible job of valuing storage.”
Communities and companies must find creative compromise in siting and developing clean energy at scale, Nexamp's Kelly Friend told NECA.
Massachusetts residents want the state’s grid to be clean by 2050, but they're also opposed to the infrastructure projects that will support the transition.
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