February 23, 2025

Northern States Power

Xcel Energy
Xcel Wins FERC Waiver of MISO Interconnection Rules on Coal-to-Solar Plan
FERC authorized an exception to MISO’s interconnection rights transfer process, allowing two Xcel Energy subsidiaries to cooperate on a replacement of a coal-fired plant with a solar farm.
Xcel Energy
Xcel Increasing Pace of Decarbonization Effort
Xcel is accelerating its transition away from fossil-fueled resources by proposing to add about 10 GW of renewables in Minnesota and Colorado.
FERC OKs MISO Agreements Following TO Funding Ruling
FERC approved several interconnection and facilities service agreements submitted by MISO to comply with a 2019 commission ruling.
MISO TOs’ Self-funding Option Tested Again
Two FERC commissioners still have heartburn over a 2018 commission order reinstating MISO transmission owners’ rights to self-fund network upgrades.
FERC Sides with Minnesota City on Transmission Project Cost Recovery
FERC affirmed an administrative law judge’s decision to assign a Minnesota city’s portion of a 345-kV line to Northern States Power’s joint pricing zone.
Xcel Energy
Justice Department Joins Challenge to Minn. ROFR Law
The U.S. Justice Department said that a Minnesota law granting in-state transmission owners rights of first refusal on grid additions is unconstitutional.
Xcel Energy
Xcel Can Recover Costs if Minn. 345-kV Project is Canceled
FERC ruled that Xcel can recover its investment in a transmission project if it is abandoned for reasons beyond the company’s control.
FERC Cuts MISO Transmission Owners’ ROE to 10.32%
FERC ordered a pay cut for MISO transmission owners, reducing their ROE to 10.32% from 12.38%.

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