Northwest & Intermountain Power Producers Coalition (NIPPC)
Oregon regulators are moving closer to adopting resource adequacy rules that would incentivize load-serving entities to join the Western Power Pool’s WRAP.
Future historians of the U.S. electricity sector one day might conclude the development of an RTO in the West hinged on two separate but interrelated events occurring on one day in July 2023.
SPP met a major milestone in its Western efforts as a Markets+ committee approved the day-ahead market’s proposed governing document.
The committee tasked with laying the groundwork for an independent Western RTO is confronting a complex set of challenges on an ambitious timeline.
The Western Power Pool floated a plan to revamp transmission planning in the West to spur development of the kind of large-scale transmission projects FERC’s Order 1000 has failed to produce.
FERC approved the tariff for the Western Power Pool's Western Resource Adequacy Program, allowing the binding phase of the program to commence in 2025.
State regulators and consumer advocates urged FERC to order increased oversight over transmission owners' planning and spending.
A meeting to hash out an upcoming Oregon study on RTO membership turned to how the state’s participation might fit into other developments in the West.
Oregon regulators are grappling with how to modernize the state’s direct access program to accommodate a rapidly changing energy landscape.
The Bonneville Power Administration signed an implementation agreement with CAISO to begin participating in the Western Energy Imbalance Market in 2022.
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