Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
A closed nuclear plant in Michigan could be eligible for federal funding to reopen under new guidelines for the 2nd round of the Civil Nuclear Credit Program.
The rising profile of nuclear power as one of the critical technologies that will power the U.S. to a carbon-free grid was a major theme at NARUC's conference.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission told PG&E it would have to file a new application to keep the state's last nuclear plant operating beyond 2025.
Southern Co. said that Unit 3 at Vogtle nuclear plant in Ga. suffered yet another delay and is not expected to come online until at least the second quarter.
The nuclear industry wants to change the conventional wisdom that says nuclear projects are always late, over budget and don't perform as expected.
The movement to keep PG&E's Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open 10 years past its planned retirement date in 2025 has gained momentum and essential support.
Pro-nuclear panelists at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit said small, advanced reactors are needed to offset the increase in weather-dependent renewables.
The Department of Energy’s lifeline to struggling nuclear generators appears unlikely to save the next three units scheduled to retire.
Concerned residents complained to NY officials that they lack representation on the board overseeing the Indian Point nuclear plant decommissioning.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission cited the Davis-Besse nuclear plant in Ohio for improper maintenance of its very large emergency diesel generators.
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