NYISO Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group (ICAP-MIWG)
The NYISO BIC approved capacity import limits for 2022/23 and discussed FERC's deficiency letter regarding the ISO's comprehensive mitigation review filing.
NYISO staff briefed stakeholders on the schedule for the ISO’s initiative to develop market participation rules for internal controllable lines.
The ICAP/MIWG discussed rising energy prices, Order 2222 compliance, dynamically scheduling reserves and keeping critical infrastructure out of DR programs.
NYISO presented stakeholders with updates on its Grid in Transition initiative and a 2022 Master Plan for managing the changes to market rules.
With a filing due Nov. 19, NYISO presented stakeholders its draft responses to FERC’s data request regarding its Order 2222 compliance.
Stakeholders at NYISO's ICAP Market Issues Working Group discussed methods used to measure consumer impacts caused by changes to buyer-side mitigation rules.
Stakeholders last week discussed NYISO’s comprehensive mitigation review and presentations on related consumer and market impacts.
NYISO presented stakeholders a comprehensive mitigation review and made available the final draft of a study on related market impacts.
NYISO on Thursday presented stakeholders an updated proposal to revise its buyer-side mitigation rules.
Stakeholders discussed methodology behind NYISO's straw proposal on capacity accreditation as the grid and energy market adapt to a diverse resource mix.
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